Relaunching the blog

After a longer hiatus than planned, I am picking up regular blogging once more. For those who knew this blog in its former iteration, it is probably worth saying what’s changing.

Compared to my prior quite narrow focus on faith and politics, combined with a degree of local campaigning, my vision for version 2 of my blog is much broader. That vision is best expressed in the sentiment that humanity never reaches perfection; we are always seeking to learn more, to grow more, and to develop more. Whether it is in the professional workplace, the world of sports, or even in the leisurely enjoyment of computer games … I’m fascinated by the question ‘What does better look like?’

To that end, I’m planning to write wherever I see something that provokes this question. It may be political, as before. It may be while watching the latest Grand Prix. It might be a professional insight. Whichever topics you end up engaging with, I hope you become as curious and excited as I am with the prospect of learning new wisdom!

PS: Thank you for bearing with me while the site visuals also get a refresh. This is a longer term project, and I did not want perfect to be the enemy of good!